Sunday, July 5, 2009

Filled With Memories

and playing his songs . . . we all spent a moment basking in the glow of Barry White this 4th of July, didn't we? It is an honor to remember someone so talented, but the very act of this reverence to a master is still not easy to facilitate. It's as if we still find it hard to believe he is gone. I am certain his #1 fan, a man I know quite well, was moved to spend parts of the day longing for another chance to experience Barry White's greatness . . . but not in album or cd form, but rather through a concert. Ah, if only there could be another chance to see him perform, as those who did see him live cannot seem to let the memory of that experience diminish. He must have surely been a tremendous force of nature out on the stage. I ponder the "what ifs" of my life, among the many volumes of things . . .wondering if I had just gotten the chance to see him, just once . . . but unfortunately, some of life's offerings to us have time deadlines, most of which we never consider until they are upon us. Then we lament the lost cause, the missed chance . . the restlessness building as we consider the opportunity that will never be. I probably could have had the opportunity once upon a time, but I was a different person inside then, favoring other performers during those years of Barry White's predominance. I missed the chance to pull the "golden ring" from the merry-go-round . . . just a few years too late with my admiration for this masterful musician to see him perform live.

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