Monday, June 22, 2009

Barry White the inventor

Have you heard of Edison, Bell, and Ford? Of course! Well they were the founders and inventors responsible for some of the major innovations of our time . . . we wouldn't be using this internet capability right now were it not for the electricity and subsequent discoveries we now take for granted. Just like those men changed our society with their persistent effort to innovate, Barry White, the innovative entertainer, changed the world we know with his complex compositions and mood-evoking music.

Barry White had his influence in all sorts of mediums of entertainment, including, music, television, movies, magazines, books, live performances and helped in beginning many careers of fellow musicians. He was a man from the streets of LA, the roughest beginnings most of us could never imagine, but he transformed his life and his future by focusing on the amazing gifts God gave to him . . . talent, sheer and raw, refineable and changeable . . . his gifts were fully used, although his light was dimmed far too soon for this world.

To say Barry changed his own destiny is to make a glaring understatement. In the face of all adversity, he challenged himself to overcome the obstacles which might have prevented the tremendous body of his work from ever seeing the light of day. He worked and persevered to be the master of his own destiny, using his spirit to reach out to people, while he worked towards his own goals. He gave to people, in a way that touched all of us . . . truly, he left a lifelong impact, which when you consider the magnitude of projects he was involved with, will surely reach almost the entirety of the world. I'm not sure there is even a tiny corner of the world where his voice, his music, his influences, his joy for living is not known. Look at some of what is available around the world . . . albums, cds, dvds and photos from almost every continent on this globe. Barry White was a citizen of the world, and isn't that the ultimate tribute to a human?? Shouldn't we all strive to make a global impact of goodness? That is the true essence of his legacy . . . not only are there infinite fans still dancing and singing along to his numerous hits, but there are people who are alive today because his music was quite influential in their conception. Apparently he was instrumental in more than just the creation of music!! I make light here, but it is a fact that more people make and made love to his music than any other recording artist. His gifts touched people deeply to their souls, their hearts and their spirits . . . entertaining and delighting billions around the world.

Keep the beat, Cheryl

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