Saturday, June 27, 2009

For the love of Barry . . .

Yesterday evening, I got an idea about paying tribute to Barry White on July 4th this year. It is of course the anniversary of his death . . . he was only a man in his 50's, not so much older than Michael Jackson was. As you know, unless you have been on a deserted island perhaps, both are now a part of God's heavenly choir. It is tragic to think of life ending for these talented men so soon . . . surely they had many performances and a host of notes swirling throughout their creative minds. Both gave us gifts through their talents that stand far and above the average . . . think of the numbers of lives these men touched singlularly, much less as combined influential entertainers. It is almost overwhelming to think of the extent of albums and songs both were a part of. Both these talented men were far and away unrivaled for the impact they made upon contemporary music not just in one country, nor on one continent, but worldwide.

Their genius was in affecting people, transcending human form, by lifting the hearts of fellow human beings in a generous manner . . . giving light and love through music. Neither was a "choir boy", they were afterall flawed human beings. To say they are undeserving of some accolade because you didn't believe their hearts were pure is to deny them their rightful places in the history of music and live performances. They were both men, but both were musical icons as well. Let's remember this week to thank those icons amongst us, who are capable of changing our hearts, renewing our spirits and altering our conceptions of reality in their time, they were and continue to be great impacts upon society and mankind as a whole.

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